Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight

Publisher : Bandai Namco Games Genre : Action / Shooting Platform : PS3 Release Date : 2006-11-11 Num of Player : 2
From Gundam game on Xbox 360, now we can play it on PS3. For this part, the story is about Kidosenchi Gundam that is marking a war. Maybe it is the tradition of BandaiNamco Game (Old name “ BANDAI”) that launches story about the first episode of Gundam in every Gundam. Source :

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blood Bowl 2009

Blood Bowl is a fantasy football video game loosely based on American football, and adapted from the board game of the same name, which was produced by Games Workshop, using the Living Rulebook 5.0’s ruleset. The game could be considered a remake of a 1995 adaptation, though the production of the two titles are unrelated.


Gameplay screenshot.
The game involves two teams of 11 players that is a dark fantasy version of American football. The winner of a match is the team that scores the most touchdowns (i.e. gets the ball into the opposition’s end zone), though it is possible to win by violently eliminating the other team's entire roster. The game incorporates both real-time and turn-based strategy elements. Players may choose to play the game in either mode. The Special Play cards will not be included in the main game.
During the main career mode, the player must start from scratch and build a team; the career mode can go on ad infinitum. As the team goes up in ranking on the tournament ladder, a player will sign better players for their roster. If one or several of the roster players are injured or killed during a match, the player needs to replace them for one or several of the next matches until they are ready to go back to the field. If the player lacks money to heal them, they will still be able to play the injured player, but the chances that player is killed increases.
Roster players take part in tournaments, where they gain experience and level up. The player can assign skill points to buy new abilities that will affect the player's performance, such as improving their dice rolls, have a second chance on a bad roll, and other bonuses along those lines. Leagues are completely customizable: there are 25 elements can be edited by the user, such as teams, races, players, and championship rules. Players may also set up online tournaments with others in the online community, which also allows players to gain experience as with the single player mode. Tournaments may have a minimum of four participants, and a maximum of 24; none of the teams may be AI-controlled. A player may play with a solo franchise team online, but may not use it in online tournaments or leagues. Players may not switch between RTS and turn-based modes mid-tournament. Players may create custom logos for their teams.

DS version.
The Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable versions lack career league play and customization options. Multiplayer involves turn-based hotseat gameplay on the handheld versions, though the PSP version also includes wireless multiplayer as well.
Included Teams
There are 8 races to be included in the initial release.
8.Wood Elves
"Classic" Blood Bowl team rosters will be included, featuring such teams as the Reikland Reavers, Orcland Raiders, and the Skavenblight Scramblers. The player will face these teams as they advance in the game. However, they will only be playable in exhibition play. There will be one star player per race, such as Griff Oberwald.

Expansions are planned but have not yet been determined.

Cyanide created a similar title, Chaos League, in 2004. The amount of similarity between Chaos League and Games Workshop's Blood Bowl led to a lawsuit, which was settled out of court. One of the terms of the settlement was that Cyanide would receive a license to develop a new title using the official Blood Bowl property.
In August 2007, Cyanide announced that a new game for Microsoft Windows computers would be developed, due to be released in 2008. On November 14, 2007, the Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, and Xbox 360 versions were announced. It was originally believed the game would be on Xbox Live Arcade, but it was revealed to be a store release title. The game is currently in PC beta testing, and a limited playable version was demonstrated at the Blood Bowl Grand Tournament in Nottingham over the weekend of the May 10, 2008. On December 18, 2008 it was announced on the Cyanide Blood Bowl forum by a Focus employee that the release date had been further pushed back to Q2 2009 (June).
On June 25, 2008, a trailer was released featuring the opening cinematic and some gameplay.
Cyanide Studios received permission from Games Workshop to include a real-time mode in the game, providing the developer strictly adhered to the Living Rulebook 5.0’s rules; it was Cyanide's success with Chaos League that gave Games Workshop the confidence to allow them to adapt the rules to real-time gameplay.

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